April 28, 2019
Pictures of our missionary in action??
Looks like he needs to be reminded about the rules of feet off of tables ;)
It is fun to finally be getting some more pictures of him.
Matthew tells us that life is good this week. He is feeling much better after his bike accident and concussion, but says he still gets a bit nauseous and headaches if he starts riding too fast. This makes their travels slower, but he is still up and going which is good.
He tells us that last week he got to spend dinner with a members family. He said they served lamb; it was his first time trying it. He said it tasted pretty much the same as a beef roast.
Other updates he tells us are that it is still raining a lot there and that he is still studying from the Pearl of Great Price and likes that is shares a lot of things we know about God that other religions don't.
He sent us a few pictures during their P-day activity this week. At first all he knew is that there was going to be a secret activity and they needed to be ready at 1:00 to be picked up. Their surprise activity was bowling. He and 4 other Elders spent the afternoon enjoying a couple of games. He said it was fun and that he realized he had really missed going bowling.
He ended the day by sharing with us his scripture for the week: D&C 77:5 which explains part of the revelation of John and talks about the Elders who were faithful. I will have to ask him to expand why he chose this scripture and if it relates to something he was reading from the Pearl of Great Price.
For now, this is where he leave him until we hear from him this coming week :)