Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019

Here's parts from Matthew's email home this week:

"Sorry for the late answer to your email, but here are my answers for the week. Firstly the scripture that stood out to me was 3 Nephi chapter 27, it really affirms President Nelson's remarks about the name of the church. Something that you can pray for this week is for the people we are teaching to keep their commitments, we have 5 people on date to be baptized. So just praying that they can keep that commitment and make the changes in their lives to make that covenant with God. We are "teaching" a lot of people right now ( I believe around 60 or so) but a lot of the time the lessons fall through and they don't happen, so people we are like actually teaching is like around 5. Lessons go really simply actually, preach my gospel plays it out exactly how we teach and if you ever look up "the district" it is pretty accurate as well. Anyway I love you and I hope everyone is doing well! 

Elder Harding"

We also found this picture in his shared Google photos this week:

The boys were super excited about this picture.  If you look really closely at the door you can see the Ghostbusters logo. 

The boys have convinced themselves that this is the REAL and ORIGINAL Ecto-1 EctoMobile ;)

There was also this little gem of a card house...not sure the story behind it, but maybe we can ask him about it tomorrow :)

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