Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 18, 2018

Tomorrow is the 2 month mark for Matthew.  He will also experience his first "transfers" this week; though we expect him to stay where he is at least the next 6 weeks as they usually have newbies stay with their trainers for 12 weeks.  These next 6 weeks will bring Thanksgiving and Christmas - and our first mission skype call.

This week Matthew writes:

"Zone conference was good, however it was long.. it last about 7 hours and was in a neighboring city. It basically took up the entire day. I will try to take pictures sometime this week, however there isn't ever really a good time to, we are just driving from appointment to appointment basically and if we aren't doing that we are knocking doors, so I haven't really had the opportunity to take pictures. The scripture I really enjoyed this week was in Matthew 7:21-27, I liked this scripture because I've been studying the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus just basically says it straight how judgement is going to be. This week you can just keep praying for the rain and the car. We may lose it this coming Tuesday or at the end of the year, so if you could keep that in mind that's great. If I'm 100% honest I have no idea how Thanksgiving is supposed to go. I believe that when it's closer I will know, but until then i believe it'll be like every other day. So budgeting groceries isn't that hard now. One of our less active members is moving and they basically gave us their kitchen. We have a lot of spices and ingredients now so all we really have to buy throughout the month is like milk and bread, oh and steak, apparently I started a trend. On every Thursday a few of us elders gather in an apartment and cook up some steak and hangout for a little bit. All of my clothes and shoes are working fine, I lost a couple buttons over the last couple weeks but at zone conference we had mending so all of it is good again. My shoes are actually broken in really well and my feet don't really hurt after walking all day, however I think that Walmart played a role in that. I have worn my boots and I love them. They are really comfy and warm.
Elder Harding"

So, no pictures this week...but hopefully we will get some soon.  If not I may need to try and bribe his companion (my sister suggested that) to see if he will take some of Matthew for us.  

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October 20, 2019

October 20, 2019 With the changes to communication it feels as if there is less and less to add to the blog each week because Matthew call...